The centuries old historic game of Golf has been enshrined as a favorite past-time for millions of players worldwide. For professionals, Golf has been their livelihood. Golf holds a special place in Dan Murphy, the Photographer’s heart as well. One day, back in July of 1982, while visiting a sister in Santa Clara, California; a friend suggested playing Golf at a nine-hole golf course. The summer day was bright and sunny. With borrowed clubs and no inkling of a Golf swing, Dan embarked on a journey that would last to this day. Since that fateful day in 1982, Dan has had the pleasure playing over 200 golf courses and as a photojournalist, has covered numerous professional PGA tournaments, college, high school and youth amateur events. It took 30-years and a lot of near misses, but Dan finally scored his first hole-in-one at the Porter Valley Country Club, (Northridge, CA) — a 210-yard shot, using a seven-metal wood. The following are various Golf images from throughout the decades Dan has covered the game.
Call Dan Murphy, the Photographer at:
(208) 805-2508
Please scroll down or click on first image and view from there. Enjoy!
Golf’s best, Jack Nicklaus’ pensive look is evident after a shot at the 1983 PGA Championship.
Brain teaser: This clubhouse / pro shop is part of what famous golf course that has held many famous tournaments? (See below for the answer – Clue: Jack won there three times.) Of course, the clubhouse doesn’t look like this today.
Speaking of great, The King – Arnold Palmer at the GTE Senior Tournament in Simi Valley, CA.
A high school golfer is all abuzz after her shot landed in a depression on top of a tree’s root.
A golfer travels to his next shot with the aura of a setting sun behind him.
Everyone’s favorite golfer during his heyday, the late Payne Stewart.
What once started out as a heralded Golf career was later met with much controversy. Suffice to say, Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers of all-time. The image was created by shining two images onto photographic paper in different areas.
Golf is all about camaraderie and fun. These happy men just scored a birdie during a tournament.
A huge aspect of Golf, are the thousands of charitable fund raisers held every year. Four golfers mug for Melanoma Research at the Kerry Daveline Memorial “Hack ‘n Smack” Celebrity Golf Tournament. 
Professional golfers like Phil Mickelson always seem to hold their pose and watch the flight of the ball.
Golf also brings great joy to husbands and wives. A married couple takes time for a portrait.
Why, it’s Dan Murphy, the Photographer posing for the camera, moments after his first Hole-in-One. Dan stepped to the 14th tee at Porter Valley Country Club, (Northridge, CA) and smacked a seven metal-wood 210 yards to pay dirt!
High school golfers playing in the C.I.F.-SS finals pose for a portrait during a wait on a tee box.
Pro golfer Rory Sabbatini gets drenched in a rainstorm at the L.A.Open.
One of the PGA Tour’s popular stars, Brandt Snedeker is all smiles after acknowledging fan support.
Sometimes, Dan will create images that will help golfers improve their swing and follow through.
A youngster ponders his choice of club for his next shot.
PARENTS! The backbone of any youth sports organization.
A Young Phil Mickelson sizes up his putt at a L.A. Open event.
The famed clubhouse / pro shop is that of Pebble Beach Golf Links, circa 1959 in a photo taken by Dan’s late step-dad. Below is how the famed Hole #7 looked back in 1959.
Call Dan Murphy, the Photographer at:
Treasure Valley: (208) 805-2508